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Driven Brands Inc.

Driven Brands Inc. is hiring for remote positions

Driven Brands Inc. Overview

Welcome to the world of Driven Brands where we rev up innovation and performance to race towards success!

Based in Charlotte, NC, Driven Brands is the powerhouse of automotive services, dominating the North American scene with a fleet of leading brands like Take 5 Oil Change, Take 5 Car Wash, Meineke, Maaco, CARSTAR, and more. With over 4,500 centers across 15 countries, we service over 50 million vehicles annually, generating over $5 billion in sales.

Our culture fuels growth, inspiring our talented team to #DriveOn further and faster. We're not just a company; we're a community thriving on innovation and values that steer us towards a brighter future. Join us on this exhilarating ride at Driven Brands!

What are typical salaries at Driven Brands Inc.?

Are you considering a career at Driven Brands Inc.? Gain insight into the potential financial rewards with our comprehensive salary guide. Based on publicly available data, we've compiled the estimated salary ranges for various roles. This information aims to empower you in your job search and career planning with Driven Brands Inc..

Role / Job Title Salary Range
IT Portfolio & Financial Analyst 82k-140k USD

Remember, your compensation at Driven Brands Inc. may include factors beyond base salary. For example, review perks such as health benefits, vacation time, and equity to understand total compensation.

Does Driven Brands Inc. allow remote work or work from home?

Yes they do! Based on the fact that Driven Brands Inc. has listed a remote job, it's safe to say that they are open to remote work and are actively looking for talented individuals to join their team, regardless of their location.

About Driven Brands Inc.

Recent remote jobs at Driven Brands Inc.

Driven Brands Inc. is hiring IT Portfolio & Financial Analyst mascot