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EUROPEAN DYNAMICS is hiring for remote positions



EUROPEAN DYNAMICS (or ED, as their friends call them) is an international superstar in the world of Software, Information, and Communication Technologies. They've got offices scattered across the globe, from Athens to Hong Kong, making them as cosmopolitan as a well-shaken cocktail!

With over 1000 employees, each more tech-savvy than the last, they're a veritable army of engineers, IT experts, and consultants. Their workforce is a melting pot of qualifications, boasting a 3% PhD, 36% MSc, and a whopping 53% BSc or equivalent. They're not just a company; they're an intellectual powerhouse!

The Tech Titans

ED is all about designing and developing state-of-the-art software applications. They're the Da Vincis of the digital world, creating masterpieces that generate annual revenues in the range of a cool EURO 40 million. With an EBITDA in the range of 20% and a contract portfolio that overshadows the GDP of some small countries, they're not just playing the game; they're changing it!

Their clientele reads like a who's who of the corporate world. From government institutions and multinational corporations to public administrations and research institutes, they've got all the big names in their Rolodex.

The Diversity Champions

ED doesn't just talk the talk when it comes to diversity; they walk the walk! They're fiercely committed to Equal Employment Opportunity, proving that in the world of tech, it's your skills, not your background, that counts. They're as colorful and diverse as a bag of Skittles, and they wouldn't have it any other way!

The Privacy Protectors

In an era where data is the new oil, EUROPEAN DYNAMICS takes its role as a protector seriously. They adhere to the General Data Protection Regulation principles like glue, ensuring your personal data is as safe as a kitten in a basket. Their Privacy Policy isn't just a document; it's a promise.

So, if you're seeking a career in an exciting and dynamic company, look no further. EUROPEAN DYNAMICS is ready and waiting to welcome you into their tech-savvy, diverse, and privacy-protecting family!

Does EUROPEAN DYNAMICS allow remote work or work from home?

Yes they do! Based on the fact that EUROPEAN DYNAMICS has listed a remote job, it's safe to say that they are open to remote work and are actively looking for talented individuals to join their team, regardless of their location.