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Gen is hiring for remote positions

Gen Overview

Meet Gen

Ah, Gen! The name's short, the ambition's big. Gen is an equal-opportunity employer that loves diversity like a kid loves candy. They're all about creating an environment that's as inclusive as a group hug and as accessible as your favorite book on the bottom shelf.

Gen's all about the merit. They're the kind of folks who look at your experience and business needs, not your race, color, national origin, age, religion, sex, pregnancy, genetic information, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, military or veteran status. They're more interested in what you bring to the table than where you're from or what table you prefer to sit at.

Equal Opportunity and More

Gen is not just an equal-opportunity employer. They're a champion of diversity. They celebrate the mosaic of cultures, backgrounds, and experiences their employees bring. They're like a tapestry of talent, woven from the threads of many diverse individuals. They're committed to making sure everyone feels valued, heard, and included.

A Friend of Transparency

Gen is also a big fan of transparency. They're the kind of company that wouldn't just let you peek behind the curtain - they'd invite you back stage for a tour. They believe in open discussions about pay, and they won't tolerate discrimination based on protected characteristics. They're all about keeping things fair and square.

Compliance is Key

Gen plays by the rules, and they expect their employees to do the same. They comply with all anti-discrimination laws and adhere to U.S. export control regulations. They're as straight-laced as a pair of new sneakers, and they're looking for people who share their commitment to doing things right.

So, in a nutshell, Gen is a company that values diversity, transparency, and compliance. They're about as inclusive as it gets, and they're committed to creating a work environment that's as welcoming as a warm cup of cocoa on a cold day. If you're looking for a place where you'll be judged on your merit and experience rather than anything else, Gen might just be the place for you.

Does Gen allow remote work or work from home?

Yes they do! Based on the fact that Gen has listed a remote job, it's safe to say that they are open to remote work and are actively looking for talented individuals to join their team, regardless of their location.

Recent remote jobs at Gen

Gen is hiring Principal Product Designer Midy, Director of Executive Sales and Cyber Risk Management mascot