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Incognia is hiring for remote positions

Incognia Overview

Incognia is a Brazilian privacy-by-design mobile identity company founded in 2014 that provides frictionless authentication solution for the financial, delivery, and e-commerce sectors, increasing mobile security and revenue while reducing fraud costs. With an award-winning location technology, Incognia utilizes network sensors and device intelligence to recognize trusted users based on their unique location patterns, enabling Zero-Factor Authentication. Companies with mobile apps and connected devices use Incognia to seamlessly verify user identity, authenticate logins, detect and assess fraud risks, and protect privacy in compliance with regulations like LGPD, all while optimizing the app experience throughout the user journey.

Currently headquartered in Palo Alto, California (USA), Incognia has teams located in the San Francisco Bay Area, New York, as well as Brazil, with bases in São Paulo and Recife, harnessing a network of approximately 200 million mobile devices embedded with its technology to deliver ultra-precise risk assessments with very low false positive rates for clients in over 20 countries.

The Team:

The Sales Engineering team at Incognia operates at the intersection of technical domains (fraud and technology) and business domains (relationship management, processes, project management). We maintain a strong partnership with Engineering, Data Science, Product, Sales, Customer Success, and Marketing teams to leverage the strengths of both worlds.

The Opportunity:

As a Sales Engineer at Incognia, you will play a key role, directly engaging with clients and expanding the company's business in global markets. You will be responsible for managing the technical relationship with clients and representing Incognia's innovative solution to some of the world's biggest brands, conducting Proofs of Value (POVs) and customer integrations.


  • Salário CLT between R$9,765.30 to R$11,880.98 + remuneração variável semestral

  • Benefícios:
    • Alimentação e refeição:
      • Cartão flexível para alimentação e/ou refeição

    • Educação:
      • Auxílio mensal para cursos, livros, entre outros

      • Auxílio creche.

    • Home office:
      • Auxílio onboarding para set up do escritório

      • Auxílio home office mensal.

      • Auxílio anual para manutenção e equipamentos

    • Licenças e flexibilidade:
      • Possibilidade de combinar dias off com o gestor quando necessário ou para comemorar o aniversário

      • Recesso de final do ano entre natal e ano novo não descontado

      • Empresa cidadã com extensão de licença paternidade e maternidade

    • Saúde e bem estar:
      • Plano de Saúde e Odontológico Bradesco sem custo para o titular

      • Cobertura de 50% do plano para dependentes

      • Seguro de vida.

      • Auxílio lente.

      • Gympass.

      • Parceria para cuidado emocional (Moodar)

    • Stock Option Program (SOP).

Etapas do processo seletivo:

  • Entrevista com People
  • Entrevista com o gestor
  • Desenvolvimento de Case Técnico
  • Apresentação do Case Técnico
  • Fit Cultural com CTO e CEO
  • Offer

  • A Incognia está comprometida em fornecer um ambiente de respeito mútuo onde oportunidades de emprego estejam disponíveis para todas as pessoas. Encorajamos todas as candidaturas e incentivamos especialmente a contratação de mulheres, pois reconhecemos a importância da representatividade em todos os níveis da nossa empresa. Acreditamos que a diversidade e a inclusão são pilares fundamentais para o nosso sucesso como uma empresa global e por isso reforçamos que estas não serão discriminadas por raça, cor, idade, sexo, etnia, orientação sexual, identidade de gênero, religião, credo, nacionalidade, deficiência ou

Does Incognia allow remote work or work from home?

Yes they do! Based on the fact that Incognia has listed a remote job, it's safe to say that they are open to remote work and are actively looking for talented individuals to join their team, regardless of their location.

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