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M13 is hiring for remote positions

M13 Overview

M13: A Company That's Changing the Game

M13 is a company that's not afraid to push boundaries and challenge the status quo. They're all about redefining what it means to age, and they're doing it in style. Forget everything you thought you knew about middle age, because M13 is here to shake things up.

A Partnership of Giants

M13 has some serious clout behind it. They've partnered with the likes of Tony Robbins and Dr. Peter Diamandis, two titans in the performance medicine and longevity space. If you're wondering about their credentials, just know that their recent book, Life Force, is a 2022 NYT bestseller. So yeah, they know what they're talking about.

Science-Backed and Results-Driven

But M13 isn't just about big names and catchy slogans. They've got the scientific backing to prove it. Their model was developed with advisors from prestigious institutions like the Cleveland Clinic, Mass General Hospital, Boston University, and Harvard Medical School. So when they say they're serious about health optimization, you can bet they mean it.

Lifeforce: Your Key to Peak Performance

M13's flagship product, Lifeforce, is a one-stop solution for health optimization. It's all about giving you the tools, insights, and expert advice you need to live your best life, no matter your age. With Lifeforce, you'll have everything you need to make the right health decisions at the right time.

A Company on the Rise

Launched in February 2022, M13 has already seen strong traction in its first year. They're all about growth and achievement, and they're looking for people who share their vision. So if you're passionate about health, performance, and shaking up the status quo, M13 might just be the place for you.

So there you have it. M13: a company that's changing the way we think about aging, backed by some of the biggest names in the field, and driven by a commitment to science and results. Sounds like a pretty good place to work, doesn't it?

Does M13 allow remote work or work from home?

Yes they do! Based on the fact that M13 has listed a remote job, it's safe to say that they are open to remote work and are actively looking for talented individuals to join their team, regardless of their location. mascot