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Pangaea is hiring for remote positions

Pangaea Overview

Pangaea: The Digital Brand Creators

Pangaea is a dynamic company that breathes life into digitally native brands on a global scale. Since its inception in 2018, this innovative firm has been at the helm of creating and nurturing brands such as Lumin and Meridian, both of which have made a splash in the personal care space.

With a goal to create iconic, disruptive, and culture-impacting brands, Pangaea has successfully attracted communities of brand aficionados across borders. Talk about having a global footprint! This company has proudly sold its products in 50 different countries, and their team of over 50 employees and contractors are scattered across the globe. They recently secured Series B funding in 2021 from Eurazeo Brands, which is a testament to their growth and potential.

The Pangaea Community

Pangaea isn't just a company; it's a community. Known as Pangaeans, the team members are as passionate about building their internal community as they are about growing communities for their brands. They're all about lifting each other up, recognizing diverse talents, and fostering a sense of belonging. They're not just colleagues, they're a family, making a difference in their customers' journeys of self-care and in each other's paths to success.

The Pangaea Values

Pangaea stands on four pillars of values. First up is Passion. Pangaeans are emotionally connected and committed to their work, ready to put in the work today for a successful tomorrow. They're invested in Pangaea, its people, and its mission.

Next, we have Innovation. Pangaeans are naturally curious, always exploring new possibilities and approaches to problems. They're on a constant quest for innovative recipes for success, believing that creative solutions will help them achieve their mission faster and on a larger scale.

Then there's Pushing the Limits. Pangaeans are tenacious, relentless, and embrace a "yes we can" culture. They're ready to work towards their mission, no matter how challenging or time-consuming it gets.

Lastly, Prioritization. Pangaeans understand that conscious prioritization is key to their success. They focus on decision-making that leads to sustainable business outcomes, making calculated bets on initiatives that will bring the greatest value to Pangaea, its customers, and its teammates.

Benefits at Pangaea

Working at Pangaea isn't just about a paycheck; it's about an excellent benefits experience that enhances their physical, mental, and financial health and well-being. They offer health insurance, free membership to health and wellness apps, a generous time off policy, and even a staff discount on Pangaea products. Now, who wouldn't want to be a Panganean?

Does Pangaea allow remote work or work from home?

Yes they do! Based on the fact that Pangaea has listed a remote job, it's safe to say that they are open to remote work and are actively looking for talented individuals to join their team, regardless of their location.

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