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Polygon is hiring for remote positions

Polygon Overview

Meet Polygon: The Blockchain Maestro

Ahoy there, Web3 enthusiasts! Gather 'round and let us regale you with the tale of Polygon, the leading blockchain development platform that's making waves in the digital seas. With its treasure trove of scalable, affordable, secure, and sustainable blockchains, Polygon has become the go-to haven for developers seeking to embark on their Web3 adventures.

Sailing the High Seas of Web3

Polygon's growing suite of products offers a veritable smorgasbord of scaling solutions for developers to feast upon. From L2 (ZK Rollups and Optimistic Rollups) to sidechains, hybrid, stand-alone and enterprise chains, and data availability, there's something for everyone at this Web3 buffet. With tens of thousands of decentralized applications hosted, 1.6B+ total transactions processed, 180M+ unique user addresses, and $7B+ in assets secured, it's safe to say that Polygon is a force to be reckoned with in the blockchain world.

A Carbon Neutral Captain

Not content with merely conquering the Web3 seas, Polygon is also leading the charge in the battle against climate change. As a carbon-neutral company, Polygon is committed to steering the Web3 ecosystem towards a carbon-negative future. Now that's a captain we can all get behind!

Join the Polygon Crew

If you're a skilled sailor in the world of frontend development, you might just be the perfect addition to the Polygon crew. With a remote-first global workforce, competitive benefits, and a flat hierarchy, you'll have the chance to make a real impact on the digital seascape. So hoist the Jolly Roger and set sail with Polygon, where the only limit is your imagination!

Stay Connected with Polygon

Want to learn more about this swashbuckling company? Check out their Website and follow them on Twitter, Telegram, Reddit, Discord, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Does Polygon allow remote work or work from home?

Yes they do! Based on the fact that Polygon has listed a remote job, it's safe to say that they are open to remote work and are actively looking for talented individuals to join their team, regardless of their location.

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