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Resultant is hiring for remote positions

Resultant Overview

Meet Resultant: The Problem-Solvers with a Twist

Resultant is a modern consulting firm that's not afraid to break the mold. They've traded in the old-school "solve problems for you" approach and instead, they're all about solving problems with you. It's a subtle change in preposition that makes a world of difference.

A Data-Driven, Tech-Savvy, Digital Dynamo

Resultant's secret sauce? Combining data analytics, technology solutions, and digital transformation to tackle complex challenges in both the public and private sectors. They're not just about quick fixes, they're about creating unique, game-changing solutions that put their clients' needs front and center.

A Partnership, Not a Transaction

At Resultant, it's not just about business, it's personal. They take the time to learn about their clients' operations, goals, and challenges, treating them as their own. Their approach is all about building client-focused relationships, ensuring that their clients' desired outcomes are always top of mind.

A Coast-to-Coast Presence

Resultant, originally known as KSM Consulting, has come a long way since its founding in Indianapolis in 2008. Today, they boast a team of more than 350 members spread across offices in Indianapolis, Fort Wayne, Odon, Columbus, Lansing, Denver, Dallas, and Atlanta.

A Company that Makes a Difference

In a nutshell, Resultant is a company that's all about making a difference. Their clients partner with them to see a difference, and their team members join them to make one.

A Humble, Hungry, and Smart Team

Don't let their playful tone fool you, the team at Resultant is humble, hungry, and smart. They're deeply committed to their mission and to helping everyone around them succeed. And they're not just talk, they walk the walk. They offer competitive compensation, a great benefits package, and ample opportunities for personal and professional development.

A Culture Worth Raving About

But don't just take our word for it. Listen to what their team members have to say. They love Resultant's empathy for clients, the opportunity to learn something new every day, and the company's commitment to building an organization that's built to last.

A Commitment to Equality

Resultant is an equal opportunity employer. They welcome all qualified applicants, regardless of age, color, sex, disability, national origin, race, religion, or veteran status. Because at the end of the day, they know that it's the diversity of their team that makes them stronger.

So, that's Resultant in a nutshell: a modern consulting firm that's all about partnership, innovation, and making a difference. And if you ask us, they're definitely a company worth keeping an eye on.

Does Resultant allow remote work or work from home?

Yes they do! Based on the fact that Resultant has listed a remote job, it's safe to say that they are open to remote work and are actively looking for talented individuals to join their team, regardless of their location.

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