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TriHealth is hiring for remote positions

TriHealth Overview

TriHealth: A Symphony of Service and Care

If there was ever a company that could make you feel like you're part of a well-tuned orchestra, it's TriHealth. This health-focused organization is all about creating harmonious interactions between patients, physicians, hospitals, pharmacies and various medical specialties. They're the conductors, deftly orchestrating the best course of action for each patient's unique symphony of needs.

TriHealth is a company that thrives on the cutting edge of technology. They're not just dabbling in the latest medical software—they're fully immersed. With a repertoire that includes the DOD List, Epic, Cadence, Cisco Phone System, Doc Halo, and Kronos, they're a veritable tech symphony.

A Culture of Excellence

At TriHealth, they're not just content with hitting the right notes—they strive to create a masterpiece every time. They're all about "First Call Resolution," aiming to provide top-notch customer service and comprehensive solutions from the get-go. They're also sticklers for privacy and confidentiality, upholding the principles of HIPAA with the same rigor as a maestro maintaining tempo.

Continuous Learning and Growth

TriHealth is a company that believes in the power of continuous learning. They're all about improving quality, safety, and service. They're not just looking for team members—they're seeking lifelong learners who are ready to grow and develop with them.

The TriHealth SERVE Standards

TriHealth dances to the beat of their own drum—the SERVE Standards. These guidelines shape the rhythm of their work, ensuring they always welcome, acknowledge, respect, value, and engage with everyone they interact with. They believe there's no responsibility more important than serving their patients, communities, and fellow team members.

In Conclusion

So, if you're looking for a company that's more than just a one-hit-wonder, consider TriHealth. With their commitment to service, culture of excellence, continuous learning, and adherence to the SERVE Standards, they're creating a symphony of care that's music to their patients' ears.

Does TriHealth allow remote work or work from home?

Yes they do! Based on the fact that TriHealth has listed a remote job, it's safe to say that they are open to remote work and are actively looking for talented individuals to join their team, regardless of their location.

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