Welcome to Arthrex, where we're not just a global medical device company - we're a team of innovators on a mission to Help Surgeons Treat Their Patients Better™. Our talented crew is dedicated to new product development and medical education in orthopedics, making us a leader in the industry. Join us in shaping the future of healthcare with a dash of creativity and a sprinkle of fun!
At Arthrex, we're more than just a company - we're a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about making a difference. From our cutting-edge products to our commitment to excellence, we're always pushing boundaries and redefining possibilities. So, if you're ready to embark on an exciting journey with a team that's all about innovation, collaboration, and a healthy dose of humor, then Arthrex is the place for you!
Join Arthrex today and be a part of something truly extraordinary!