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Bentley Systems

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Bentley Systems is hiring for remote positions

Bentley Systems Overview

Bentley Systems: The Infrastructure Engineering Software Maestros

Bentley Systems, the maestro of the infrastructure engineering software world, plays a symphony for the global economy and environment. With a NASDAQ listing (BSY), Bentley Systems is not just a company, it's a powerhouse that drives the world forward.

A Global Orchestra

With a global ensemble of 5,000 colleagues, Bentley Systems dances to the tune of more than $1 billion in annual revenues. This international team is as diverse as the 194 countries they operate in. Their harmonious collaboration results in innovative software solutions that are music to the ears of professionals and organizations of all sizes.

The Bentley Score

Bentley Systems' repertoire is as vast as it is impressive. Their offerings include the iTwin Platform for infrastructure digital twins, MicroStation and Bentley Open applications for modeling and simulation, Seequent’s software for geoprofessionals, and Bentley Infrastructure Cloud. This suite of software solutions caters to various industries, from roads and bridges, rail and transit, to water and wastewater, public works and utilities, buildings and campuses, mining, and industrial facilities.

A Symphony of Equality

Bentley Systems is proud to conduct a symphony of equality. They are an equal opportunity employer that doesn't discriminate. Race, color, gender/gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, marital status, religion/belief, national origin, caste, age, or any characteristic protected by local law do not play a sour note in their employment considerations. At Bentley, it's all about the music you bring to the table.

The Bentley Culture

Bentley Systems' culture is the rhythm that keeps the company moving. A supportive and collaborative environment, a competitive salary and benefits, and the opportunity to be an integral part of a world-leading software company are just some of the perks of being part of the Bentley band.

So, if you're looking to join a company that's making sweet music in the world of infrastructure engineering software, Bentley Systems could be your next gig.

What are typical salaries at Bentley Systems?

Are you considering a career at Bentley Systems? Gain insight into the potential financial rewards with our comprehensive salary guide. Based on publicly available data, we've compiled the estimated salary ranges for various roles. This information aims to empower you in your job search and career planning with Bentley Systems.

Role / Job Title Salary Range
Cloud Software Developer 3k EUR

Remember, your compensation at Bentley Systems may include factors beyond base salary. For example, review perks such as health benefits, vacation time, and equity to understand total compensation.

Does Bentley Systems allow remote work or work from home?

Yes they do! Based on the fact that Bentley Systems has listed a remote job, it's safe to say that they are open to remote work and are actively looking for talented individuals to join their team, regardless of their location.

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