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Yubico Overview

Yubico: Your Key to Internet Safety

Welcome to the world of Yubico, the master locksmiths of the digital realm! This audacious company, founded by the dynamic duo Stina and Jakob Ehrensvard in 2007, is the proud parent of the YubiKey, the world's first and leading security key. This nifty little device is Yubico's answer to making secure login a breeze for everyone, from your tech-savvy teenager to your dear old grandma.

Yubico is a cosmopolitan creature, with its roots spread across 14 countries, and its head held high in Stockholm, Sweden, and Santa Clara, CA. Its clientele is as diverse as its geographical presence, with 30% of Fortune 500 companies, hundreds of government agencies, and millions of individuals from over 160 countries swearing by the Yubico technology to keep their digital doors locked tight.

But hold on, there's more to Yubico than just its groundbreaking tech. The company recently made its grand debut on Nasdaq First North Growth Market Stockholm, marking an exciting new chapter in its journey. But don't let the corporate lingo fool you. Yubico is all heart when it comes to its mission to make the internet safer for all, and its strong company culture is the secret sauce that fuels its fast-paced growth.

Yubico: More Than Just a Company

At Yubico, it's not all work and no play. The company is a buzzing hive of diversity, equity, and inclusivity, where every voice is amplified and every individual feels they belong. Its employees have even formed some pretty cool Employee Resource Groups: YubiPride, YubiBIPOC, YubiSustainability, and YubiWomen. Talk about taking team spirit to a whole new level!

Yubico also believes in giving back to the community. The company donates YubiKeys to organizations in need all over the world, making sure that internet safety is not a privilege, but a right for all. You can read more about their noble mission here.

Yubico: Where Work Meets Fun

If you thought Yubico was all about serious business, think again! The company believes in the power of social connection and loves to let its hair down. From celebrating wins to buzzing Slack communities, Yubico knows how to keep things light and lively. The company even hosts an all-team event in a new location every year, complete with goal-setting sessions and fun events. Check out their Life at Yubico Page on LinkedIn and their awards here.

So there you have it! Yubico is not just a company, it's a revolution in internet safety, a champion of diversity, and a fun-loving community, all rolled into one. Now, how cool is that?

Does Yubico allow remote work or work from home?

Yes they do! Based on the fact that Yubico has listed a remote job, it's safe to say that they are open to remote work and are actively looking for talented individuals to join their team, regardless of their location.

About Yubico

Recent remote jobs at Yubico

Yubico is hiring Vice President of Sales, Federal/Public Sector mascot