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Contents & Training Management Specialist - Customer Service - Mercari

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Mercari, Inc.

Job Description

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Circulate all forms of value to unleash the potential in all people

"What can I do to help society thrive with the finite resources we have?" The Mercari marketplace app was born in 2013 out of this thought by our founder Shintaro Yamada as he traveled the world. We believe that by circulating all forms of value, not just physical things and money, we can create opportunities for anyone to realize their dreams and contribute to society and the people around them. Mercari aims to use technology to connect people all over the world and create a world where anyone can unleash their potential.For more information about Mercari Group’s mission, see Mercari's Culture Doc.

Equal Opportunity Hiring

Here at Mercari, we work to realize a world in which no one’s potential is limited by their background and everyone has the opportunity to freely create value. We also firmly believe that a mindset of Inclusion & Diversity is essential for us to achieve our mission.This, of course, extends to our hiring practices as well.

Mercari is committed to eliminating discrimination based on age, gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, physical disability, and other such factors so that anyone who shares our mission and values can join us, regardless of their background. For more details, please read our I&D Statement.

Team’s Mission / Work Responsibilities

Team mission:

The Consumer Support Team of the Customer Service Division is responsible for supporting customers who use Mercari and Merpay, as well as designing and operating customer experience. The Consumer Support Contents & Training Management Specialist is in charge of creating, editing, and managing all internal and external content created by the team, as well as conducting and managing training materials, utilizing analytical data for improvement activities, and overseeing content review and training delivery in multiple languages. While collaborating with other departments and divisions, we contribute to streamlining operations, improving customer experience, and contributing to the success of the business.

(Learn more about Mercari's mission and values here.)

Specific work responsibilities include the following:

  • Development of customer service content for new product/service releases
  • Revision of customer service content due to changes in service operation
  • Content improvement based on requests from other departments, analysis data on accessibility and content quality
  • Leading/Managing projects related to customer service content improvement
  • Establishing and improving mechanisms for content management operations and team operations
  • Designing and delivering training using customer service content
  • Development, revision, and proofreading of customer service content in multiple languages

Unique and Bold Challenges

  • In the customer service department, which has direct contact with customers, you can contribute to the improvement of user experience and the discontinuous growth of the marketplace through content management and training.
  • It is a position where you can take bold challenges in a constantly evolving environment where new things are constantly emerging and changes are always happening.

Required Qualifications

  • Empathy with and embodiment of the missions and values of the Mercari Group and each company
  • Traditional Chinese:Proficient(CEFR – C1)
  • Japanese:Proficient(CEFR – C1)
  • English:Independent (CEFR – B2)
  • You should have at least 3 years of experience in content creation and editing.
  • Experience in content creation, proofreading, and translation using Traditional Chinese, Japanese, and English.
  • Strong communication skills and ownership.

Preferred Qualifications

  • Customer Service working background
  • Practical experience in using HTML and CSS
  • Basic knowledge and experience in UI/UX, Service design, or graphic design
  • Experience in project management involving multiple teams
  • Knowledge and experience in data analysis, business improvement, and process improvement
  • Practical experience in instructional design and training development
  • Practical experience as a trainer/instructor
  • Experience in using the video editing softwares (Adobe Premiere Pro, iMovie)

Screening Criteria

  • Empathy with and embodiment of the missions and values of the Mercari Group and each company
  • A customer-centric approach, constantly striving to enhance the customer experience
  • Ability to think flexibly, free from preconceptions, even in unclear or limited information situations, and to take ownership and drive things forward
  • Willingness to boldly challenge without fear of failure and taking risks, demonstrating a proactive and ambitious mindset
  • Positive attitude towards working proactively in a rapidly changing business environment
  • Ability to think for the team, take initiative, and proactively take action for success

 (See this page for details.)

Technical Assessment Criteria

  • Knowledge and experience in data analysis, business improvement, and process
  • Basic knowledge and experience in UI/UX, Service design, or graphic design
  • Practical experience in using HTML and CSS
  • Practical experience as a trainer/instructor
  • Experience in project management involving multiple teams

Language Requirements

  • Either of the following is required:
    • Traditional Chinese:Proficient(CEFR – C1)
    • Japanese:Proficient(CEFR – C1)
    • English:Independent (CEFR – B2)

Click here for more information about CEFR.

Working Conditions

Employment Status


  • Probationary period: First 3 months after joining the company. (During this period your contract conditions will be the same as that of a permanent employee.)



  • Smoking is prohibited within our offices
  • Mercari has introduced a work style policy called “Your Choice.” Each member is free to choose whether they want to work in the office or work fully remote. *Exceptions made for certain kinds of work.

Work Hours

  • Full flextime (no “core time” or “flex time”)
    *Does not apply to all positions


  • Two days off per week (as well as national holidays, New Year's break, etc.)
  • Paid leave, congratulatory and bereavement leave, relax days, sick leave


  • Annual salary paid in 12 monthly installments (including fixed overtime allowance)
  • Based on skills, experience, and abilities
  • Reviewed twice a year


  • Complete health and social insurance
  • Incentive program
  • Support systems, including those that benefit the employee’s family members
    *See this page for details.



Corporate Sites

Owned Media




テクノロジーの力で世界中の人々をつなぎ、あらゆる人の可能性が発揮される世界を実現していきます。メルカリグループの目指すべき方針についてはMercari Culture Docをご覧ください。


メルカリでは、バックグラウンドによって個人の可能性が決めつけられることなく、自由に価値を生みだす機会を手にできる社会の実現を目指しています。そしてメルカリがミッションを実現するために「Inclusion & Diversity」という考え方は不可欠な存在だと考えています。


詳しくはI&D statementをご覧ください。


チームのミッション / 業務内容


カスタマーサービスのコンシューマーサポートチームは、メルカリ・メルペイのサービスを利用される一般のお客さまのサポート、ならびにカスタマーエクスペリエンスの設計、運営を担う組織です。カスタマーサービス コンシューマーサポートコンテンツマネジメント&トレーニングスペシャリストは、チームが管理する社内向け・社外向けのすべてのコンテンツ作成、編集、コンテンツを用いたトレーニングの実施や管理を主務とし、分析データを用いた改善活動、多言語によるコンテンツレビューやトレーニングの実施等も担当します。他部署・他部門との協業しながら、オペレーションの効率化、カスタマーエクスペリエンスの向上と、ビジネスの成功に貢献します。



  • 新規プロダクト/サービスリリースに伴うカスタマーサービスコンテンツ開発
  • サービスオペレーション運用変更に伴うカスタマーサービスコンテンツ改修
  • 他部署・他部門からの要望や、アクセシビリティ・内容品質の分析データをもとにしたコンテンツ改善
  • カスタマーサービスコンテンツ改善に関わるプロジェクトのリード/マネジメント
  • コンテンツ管理運用やチーム業務運用の仕組み構築と改善
  • カスタマーサービスコンテンツを用いたトレーニングの設計・デリバリー
  • 多言語でのカスタマーサービスコンテンツ開発・改修・校閲


  • お客さまとの直接接点であるカスタマーサービス部門で、コンテンツマネジメントやトレーニングを通してユーザーエクスペリエンスの改善やマーケットプレイスの非連続的な成長に寄与できます。
  • また新しいことが次々と生まれ変化が常に起きているなかでGo Bold(大胆)なチャレンジができるポジションです。


  • メルカリグループおよび各カンパニーのミッションとバリューに共感していただける方
  • 中国語(繁体字)/日本語/英語を用いたコンテンツ作成・文章の校閲・翻訳の業務経験をお持ちの方
  • 3年以上のコンテンツ作成、編集業務の経験 (Web、非Web問わず)をお持ちの方
  • 高いコミュニケーション力・オーナーシップをお持ちの方


  • CS、データ分析、業務/プロセス改善に関する知識と経験
  • UI/UX、サービスデザイン、グラフィックデザインに関する知識
  • HTML、CSSを用いた実務経験
  • トレーナー/インストラクターとしての実務経験
  • 複数チームを巻き込んだプロジェクトのリード


  • メルカリグループおよび各カンパニーのミッション・バリューへの共感と体現
  • カスタマーを中心に考え、顧客体験の向上に努力を惜しまない姿勢
  • 不透明な状況や限られた情報でも、固定観念にとらわれない柔軟な発想とオーナーシップを持ち、物事を推進できる方
  • 失敗/リスクを恐れず大胆にチャレンジできる積極性・向上心のある方
  • 変化の早いビジネス・環境に前向きに取り組める前向きな姿勢
  • チームのために、自ら考え、自ら動き、率先して成功のために行動できる方



  • 日本語:Proficient(CEFR – C1)必須
  • 中国語(繁体字):Proficient(CEFR – C1)必須
  • 英語:Independent (CEFR – B2) 必須





  • 試用期間:入社後3ヶ月(本採用と同条件) 



  • 受動喫煙対策: 屋内全面禁煙
  • メルカリには「YOUR CHOICE」というワークスタイルに関する制度があります。オフィス出社をすることも、フルリモートワークを選択することも自由に選択することができます。※一部職種を除く


  • フレックスタイム制(コアタイムなし・フレキシブルタイムなし)


  • 完全週休2日制(祝祭日、年末年始 等)
  • 有給休暇、慶弔休暇、リラックス休暇、Sick Leave


  • 月給制(固定残業代含む)
  • スキル・経験・能力に応じて決定いたします
  • 毎年2回見直し 


  • 各種社会保険完備
  • インセンティブ制度
  • 社員の家族を含めた支援制度
    ※ 詳しくはこちらのページをご覧ください。


  • リロケーションサポート
  • 言語学習のサポート
  • 翻訳と通訳のサポート

  ※ 詳しくはこちらのページをご覧ください。




Advice from our career coach

A successful applicant for this position as a Consumer Support Contents & Training Management Specialist at Mercari should be familiar with the company's mission and values, particularly focusing on equal opportunity hiring and inclusion & diversity. To stand out, candidates should showcase their experience in content creation, editing, and management, especially in multiple languages like Traditional Chinese, Japanese, and English. Here are some key tips to help applicants stand out:

  • Show empathy with and embodiment of Mercari's mission and values
  • Highlight experience in content creation, editing, and management, especially in multiple languages
  • Emphasize strong communication skills and ownership of projects
  • Demonstrate a customer-centric approach and proactive attitude towards improvement
  • Show willingness to take bold challenges and drive initiatives forward

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About the job

Jul 18, 2024


  1. JP Japan mascot