A successful applicant for this position at Gate.io should be aware of the company's focus on providing top-notch services in trading, security, and blockchain product innovation. As a candidate, you should demonstrate proactive behavior, strong logical abilities, good teamwork and communication skills, and a willingness to challenge yourself and solve unknown problems. Here are some tips to help you stand out:
- Highlight your experience in architecture design for large-scale systems and managing complex systems through service governance.
- Showcase your expertise in technical decision-making and leading teams in exploring and optimizing technology directions.
- Emphasize your 5+ years of development experience, with 2+ years in architecture design, including involvement in high-concurrency, low-latency large project development and architecture work.
- Demonstrate your proficiency in using common non-relational databases, time series databases, relational databases, Java language, JVM tuning, Spring framework, and understanding their implementation principles.
- Illustrate your strong communication and team management skills, along with some project planning capability.
- If you have a background in the blockchain industry, make sure to highlight it as it is considered a plus for this role.