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Leader Sales Field Penempatan Bali

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Job Description

Syarat :

  • Pendidikan terakhir minimum SMA/SMK
  • Memiliki pengalaman bertanggung jawab dalam mengurus cabang
  • Berpengalaman memimpin anggota team
  • Memiliki pengalaman min 2 tahun di Micro Finance sebagai Business Manager / Leader (Lembaga Keuangan Sistem Grameen Bank / Microfinance diutamakan)
  • Dapat menyusun strategi Sales & Marketing sebagai paduan tim untuk mencapai target
  • Mempunyai Kendaraan Pribadi dan SIM C
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di Wilayah Kerja Amartha di Bali

Tugas & Tanggungjawab :

  • Memastikan seluruh KPI Cabang di lingkup Regionalnya dapat dicapai dengan baik
  • Memastikan operasional cabang di Areanya dapat berjalan melalui pemenuhan dan pengelolaan SDM
  • Memastikan ekspansi kawasan Kelola yang ditetapkan Amartha dapat berjalan dengan baik
  • Memastikan kualitas portfolio sesuai dengan tujuan Amartha dan nilai audit cabang sesuai dengan ekspekstasi management.
  • Menegakkan prinsip keterbukaan di cabang

Advice from our career coach

As someone who has worked in various industries and roles, I understand the importance of having the right qualifications and experience for the job at hand. For this specific position as a Business Manager/Leader in Micro Finance at Amartha in Bali, there are several key points that successful applicants should keep in mind:

  • Having a minimum of 2 years of experience in Micro Finance as a Business Manager/Leader is crucial, especially in organizations like Grameen Bank or other Microfinance institutions.
  • Demonstrating the ability to lead and manage a team effectively to achieve sales and marketing targets is essential for this role.
  • Possessing a personal vehicle and a valid driver's license (SIM C) is a requirement, as the role may involve traveling within the designated work area.
  • Familiarity with setting strategies for Sales & Marketing, and the ability to ensure that KPIs and operational goals for the region are met, are key responsibilities of this position.
  • Showcasing a commitment to transparency and open communication within the branch will be highly valued by the management.

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About the job

May 16, 2024


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