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Senior UX Designer - Mercari

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Mercari, Inc.

Job Description

JD in Japanese follows. 英文の後に和文JDをご覧いただけます。




Circulate all forms of value to unleash the potential in all people

"What can I do to help society thrive with the finite resources we have?" The Mercari marketplace app was born in 2013 out of this thought by our founder Shintaro Yamada as he traveled the world. We believe that by circulating all forms of value, not just physical things and money, we can create opportunities for anyone to realize their dreams and contribute to society and the people around them. Mercari aims to use technology to connect people all over the world and create a world where anyone can unleash their potential.For more information about Mercari Group’s mission, see Mercari's Culture Doc.

Equal Opportunity Hiring

Here at Mercari, we work to realize a world in which no one’s potential is limited by their background and everyone has the opportunity to freely create value. We also firmly believe that a mindset of Inclusion & Diversity is essential for us to achieve our mission.This, of course, extends to our hiring practices as well. Mercari is committed to eliminating discrimination based on age, gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, physical disability, and other such factors so that anyone who shares our mission and values can join us, regardless of their background. For more details, please read our I&D Statement.

Position Overview


Work Responsibilities

You will contribute to maximizing user experience and business impact through UX/UI design.

  • UI/UX design of the flea market app "Mercari" (experience design related to listing and purchasing, etc.)
  • UX/UI improvements for existing products, UX/UI design for new services
  • Collaborating with UX researchers and data analysts to propose new customer experience improvements based on qualitative and quantitative research
  • Communicating with product managers/engineers and getting involved in decision making
  • Driving projects forward (managing progress/resources and adjusting scope of work)
  • Working on the operation of the design team (maintenance of design data and tools, recruitment activities, design workshops, team building, etc.)

Example Projects

  • Continuously improving UX/UI to make listing and purchasing more user-friendly and convenient
  • Redesigning the design system for the flea market app and web
  • Improving listing and buying experience by item categories
  • Improving UX and UI of components that Mercari and Merpay share
  • Defining design principles and creating product guidelines


Development Tools/Environment

  • Figma, Adobe Creative Cloud, GitHub, Slack, etc. / Mac


Unique and Bold Challenges

You will lead the product design of "Mercari," which is used by as many as 22 million customers monthly. We are aiming not only to design the surface of the product but also to contribute to building better UX/UI and business impact by overseeing the entire customer experience of listing and buying. Additionally, We are focusing on the operation of the design team, aiming to establish design infrastructure to support the team, including processes, product guidelines, and Design Systems. Through experience in the Mercari design team, we aim to grow into a designer who can excel on a global scale.


Required Experience

  • Shared understanding and belief in our company’s mission and values
  • 7+ years experience designing UI/UX for apps or web
  • Ability to demonstrate leadership skills and lead projects in collaboration with team members
  • Experience using development tools such as Figma and prototyping tools
  • Experience using the Mercari app to buy and sell items

  *Please attach a portfolio that shows the track record of projects that you have been involved in, including overall process, roles & responsibilities, and output.


Preferred Experience

  • Experience in people management or enthusiasm for creating a design organization
  • Experience in managing projects
  • Experience designing B2C services with a large user base


Screening Criteria

  • Ability to demonstrate leadership skills and lead projects in collaboration with team members
  • Constantly seeks ways to improve their skills and learn new things
  • Works on things in a timely manner and in close collaboration with those around them
  • Takes ownership over their tasks, and proactively moves projects forward
  • Has the ability to adapt to a changing environment
  • Can talk on equal footing with the business side and the engineering side

  *See this page for details.


Technical Assessment Criteria

  • Understanding and execution ability in a series of design processes.
  • Skills in conceptualization and realization of problem-solving solutions.
  • Ability to explain design concepts and processes.


Language Requirements

Either of the following is required

  • a. English: Independent (CEFR – B2) / Japanese: Proficient (CEFR – C1)
  • b. English: Proficient (CEFR – C1) / Japanese: Basic (CEFR – A2)

  * For details about CEFR, see here


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Working Conditions


Employment Status


  • Probationary period: First 3 months after joining the company. (During this period your contract conditions will be the same as that of a permanent employee.)




  • Smoking is prohibited within our offices
  • Mercari has introduced a work style policy called “Your Choice.” Each member is free to choose whether they want to work in the office or work fully remote. *Exceptions made for certain kinds of work.


Work Hours

  • Full flextime (no “core time” or “flex time”)
    *Does not apply to all positions



  • Two days off per week (as well as national holidays, New Year's break, etc.)
  • Paid leave, congratulatory and bereavement leave, relax days, sick leave



  • Annual salary paid in 12 monthly installments (including fixed overtime allowance)
  • Based on skills, experience, and abilities
  • Reviewed twice a year



  • Complete health and social insurance
  • Incentive program
  • Support systems, including those that benefit the employee’s family members
    *See this page for details.





Corporate Sites

Owned Media







テクノロジーの力で世界中の人々をつなぎ、あらゆる人の可能性が発揮される世界を実現していきます。メルカリグループの目指すべき方針についてはMercari Culture Docをご覧ください。


メルカリでは、バックグラウンドによって個人の可能性が決めつけられることなく、自由に価値を生みだす機会を手にできる社会の実現を目指しています。そしてメルカリがミッションを実現するために「Inclusion & Diversity」という考え方は不可欠な存在だと考えています。採用活動においても、メルカリのミッション・バリューに共感する、様々なバックグラウンドの方にジョインしていただけるよう、年齢、性別、性的指向、人種、宗教、身体能力、その他記号に基づくあらゆる差別をなくすことを約束します。詳しくはI&D statementをご覧ください。





  • フリマアプリ「メルカリ」に関するUI/UXデザイン(出品・購入に関わる体験設計等)
  • 既存プロダクトのUX/UI改善、新規サービス・機能のUX/UIデザイン
  • UXリサーチャー、データアナリストと連携し、定性・定量調査に基づく新たなお客さま体験や改善の提案
  • プロダクトマネージャー、エンジニアとの意思疎通および意思決定への関与
  • プロジェクト推進(進行管理、リソース管理、スコープ調整など)
  • デザインチームの運用活動(デザインデータ・ツールの整備、採用活動、デザイン勉強会、チームビルディングなど)


  • 出品・購入をより使いやすく、便利にするための継続的UX/UI改善
  • フリマアプリ・WebのDesign System全面リニューアル
  • カテゴリー別の出品・購買体験改修
  • メルカリ・メルペイを統合するUX/UIデザイン
  • プロダクトのDesign Principle定義、プロダクトガイドライン作成


使用ツール / 開発環境

  • Figma, Adobe Creative Cloud, GitHub, Slack, etc. / Mac



月間2,200万人ものお客さまにご利用いただいている『メルカリ』のプロダクトデザインをリードします。単にプロダクトの表層のデザインだけでなく、出品・購入の一連のお客さま体験を俯瞰しながら、より良いUX/UIの構築とビジネスインパクトへの貢献を目指しています。また、デザインチームの運用DesignOpsにも力を入れており、プロセスやプロダクトガイドラインやDesign Systemなどのデザインインフラの構築など、チームを支える基盤づくりも手がけることができます。メルカリデザインチームの経験を通して、世界で活躍できるデザイナーに成長できることを目指しています。



  • メルカリのミッションとバリューへの共感
  • アプリもしくは、WebのUI/UXデザインの実務経験7年以上
  • リーダーシップを発揮し、チームとともにプロジェクトをリードする能力
  • Figmaやプロトタイプツールなど、開発に必要なツールを用いた実務経験
  • メルカリの出品・購入ともに経験のある方




  • ピープルマネジメント経験または、デザイン組織づくりに意欲的な方
  • プロジェクトマネジメント経験
  • ユーザー数の多いBtoCサービスのデザイン経験



  • リーダーシップを発揮し、チームとともにプロジェクトをリードする能力
  • 真摯に学ぶ姿勢を持ち、常にスキルアップしていける方
  • 周りと密に連携を取りながら、スピーディに業務を行える方
  • オーナーシップを持ち、自ら進んで業務に臨める方
  • 変化に対する柔軟性をお持ちの方
  • ビジネス・エンジニアリング双方とフラットに議論できる方




  • 一連のデザインプロセスの理解・実行力
  • コンセプトの立案と課題解決策の具現化スキル
  • デザインのコンセプトやプロセスの説明力




  • a. 英語:Proficient (CEFR – C1) / 日本語:Basic (CEFR – A2)
  • b. 英語:Independent (CEFR – B2) / 日本語:Proficient (CEFR – C1)

  ※ CEFRの詳細については、こちらをご覧ください








  • 試用期間:入社後3ヶ月(本採用と同条件) 




  • 受動喫煙対策: 屋内全面禁煙
  • メルカリには「YOUR CHOICE」というワークスタイルに関する制度があります。オフィス出社をすることも、フルリモートワークを選択することも自由に選択することができます。※一部職種を除く



  • フレックスタイム制(コアタイムなし・フレキシブルタイムなし)




  • 完全週休2日制(祝祭日、年末年始 等)
  • 有給休暇、慶弔休暇、リラックス休暇、Sick Leave



  • 月給制(固定残業代含む)
  • スキル・経験・能力に応じて決定いたします
  • 毎年2回見直し 



  • 各種社会保険完備
  • インセンティブ制度
  • 社員の家族を含めた支援制度
    ※ 詳しくはこちらのページをご覧ください。



  • リロケーションサポート
  • 言語学習のサポート
  • 翻訳と通訳のサポート

  ※ 詳しくはこちらのページをご覧ください。






Advice from our career coach

As an applicant for this position, you should be familiar with UX/UI design principles and have a strong background in designing user interfaces for apps or websites. To stand out, make sure to showcase your leadership skills, ability to collaborate with team members, and experience in using design tools like Figma and prototyping tools. Here are some specific tips to help you stand out:

  • Demonstrate your shared understanding and belief in Mercari's mission and values
  • Showcase 7+ years of experience in designing UI/UX for apps or web
  • Highlight your leadership skills and experience leading projects in a collaborative team setting
  • Include your portfolio that demonstrates your project track record, roles & responsibilities, and outputs
  • Emphasize any experience in people management or project management
  • Illustrate your ability to adapt to a changing environment and work closely with both the business and engineering sides

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